Website Design FeedbackHome » Web Services » Web Services Forms » Website Design Feedback This survey asks for your feedback on the website design process, after it's complete, so that we may improve the process for others. Name First Last Website What was your role in the redesign process?Who worked on the website redesign for your dept/center Select All Dept Chair/Center Director A designated communications staff member An administrative support person A team of people What was your reaction to how long the process took? Took longer than expected Was shorter than expected Had no idea what to expect Met my timing expectations Was the Teamwork tool helpful? Yes No N/A Teamwork feedbackAre you happy with the results of the redesign? Yes No Expand upon why you're not happy with the results of the redesignWhat worked best about the redesign process?What advice would you give to another unit about to embark on a redesign? (Tips about process, time required, team required, photos, etc.)What could the Communication team in the dean's office do to better support teams through the redesign process?What could the IT team in the dean's office do to better support teams through the redesign process?Any additional comments or suggestions?CAPTCHA