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IT Services
Purchasing & Surplus
Find more information on how to purchase new hardware and what to do with old hardware when it no longer functions or has become out-dated.
View the list of standard software installed on all computers, as well as specialized software that can be purchased through your department.
Web Services
Design Process
If your department, or center website, is scheduled to be redesigned, check out the design process outline so that you can get an idea of what's to come and complete any prerequisites
Site Managers
There are many people who maintain the content for CLA websites and to help you know who to contact we've put together a full list of all department and center site managers
News & Updates
SOURCE Integration with CLA Websites
Several years ago CSU University Web Management launched a new campus wide aggregate news platform called SOURCE. At the same time the College of Liberal Arts had been transitioning its department and center websites to a new WordPress platform that allowed for news to be created and displayed locally on their site. The local news […]
The Site Manager Annual Survey Report for 2021 is Available
In December of 2021 the CLA Web Services team sent out a request to Site Managers to fill out a survey. The intent of the survey was to gather feedback on thing such as web related responsibilities, how comfortable Site Mangers are from a technical skill perspective, and how effective training has been. A lot […]