Thanks to the over 80 instructors who attended the Canvas workshops, Getting Started and Building Courses and Engagement, sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts at the end of the Spring 2015 term. Many of you had several good questions that I could not answer during the workshop, but I promised you answers. Today, I […]
In June and July ACNS is offering a set of three workshops each month: 1) Canvas Overview, 2) Build a Canvas Course, and 3) Assignments and Grade Book. Canvas Overview, presented by Kevin Nolan, is a 2-hour hands-on workshop that will help instructors get oriented to Canvas. Kevin will discuss the migration from RamCT to […]
Thanks to everyone who filled out the faculty and instructor needs survey. Overall, we had 116 responses, which is about 20% of the faculty and instructors surveyed. I know you all are busy, so again, thank you for taking the time to let me know what you’re thinking about Canvas. I’m using the information you […]
For many of you, your first experience with Canvas may have left something to be desired. When you open your course in Canvas, you imagine the course you had in RamCT, and when it looks nothing like the course you expect to see, you may feel disoriented. This leaves you with a bad first impression, […]
Hello and welcome! This blog is devoted to the College of Liberal Arts’ faculty and instructors who are moving their courses from RamCT to Canvas. Every week I will answer your questions and/or post information about the transition and Canvas. Canvas is a great tool. I call it a new generation learning management system because I have […]